We are all leading a life where the internet has turned out to be an essential factor to ponder onto. We don’t spend a single sy pass away without spending time in the internet browsing out stuffs, because we are all addicted to the amount of things that we are able to do using the internet. From working hard to earn off a sum of money to spending on online shopping and from browsing the social media to playing games we are swirled in with the internet. And that is where the WiFi connection became so popular around with every household looking out for the best and fast connections.
It is quiet acceptable that for the amount of time we spend using the internet, a normal mobile data will not be enough. With a WiFi connection we can clearly connect as many phones we like to and all we have to pay is for one connection, so its quiet affordable and works good.
It is quiet acceptable that for the amount of time we spend using the internet, a normal mobile data will not be enough. With a WiFi connection we can clearly connect as many phones we like to and all we have to pay is for one connection, so its quiet affordable and works good.
But there are also times when the signal of the WiFi goes down to average to poor very often and also the connection slows down, which would take longer time to load when you try to browse something. But have you ever wondered why does that happen? Well, there can be a few reasons for a slow connection or a poor signal. That is why I am here today to show you how to strengthen the WiFi signal.
Position of WiFi antenna
If you have a double antenna router, then try placing the positions of the antenna as one vertically and the other one horizontally, which will pull signals from all the directions making the strength higher.
Security breach
We are all aware of the wifi hacking that can take place. Anyone can try attempting to hack you WiFi connect and use it, when they do so, your WiFi speed will eventually slow down. So you have to be careful of the security module that you choose and make it stronger that no one can hack it. Always better use the WPA/WPA2 module which is stronger than WEP. And after making the change better change the password into a stronger one and look out for the strength of your connection.
No. Of connection devices
We know that we can connect a lot of devices to a WiFi connection at a time, but when everyone starts using it all together, eventually the speed will reduce and show a poor signal. So you can go to the settings and lower down the number of devices that can stay connected to the device, which will help you solve the problem.
Less range
When your router gets older, the possibility of emitting strengthen signal might resuce eventually. So in that case, you have either replace the router or buy a new one.
Consuming lots of bandwidths
Check out your phone to see how much of the apps that are running in the background are consuming your internet. You might never use an app that's in your phone but it might auto update and do all what it can while its running in the background. So simply look out for it in the settings and turn off the auto update option.
So that’s it, here we have now checked on a few things that might be the cause for a poor signal in your WiFi connection and we have also at the same time provided the solutions and what you can do to strengthen the WiFi signal. You can easily follow up the steps and maintain a strong WiFi connection without any interruptions or lagging problems. A fast and awesome WiFi connection is just a few steps away. So I hope this guide will help you get what you are preferably looking for.
Tips to Increase WiFi Signal Strength
Over heating
The work of the WiFi modems is to convert the internet signals into wireless signals spread them all around. Most of the time we keep the modem turned on continuously without giving it a break. At such moments the modem can get heated and the efficiency of working accordingly will slow down. So in that case, you can switch it off when you don’t use it for sometimes and give it a rest u til you turn it on. This would help it strengthen the power of the signal.
Over heating
The work of the WiFi modems is to convert the internet signals into wireless signals spread them all around. Most of the time we keep the modem turned on continuously without giving it a break. At such moments the modem can get heated and the efficiency of working accordingly will slow down. So in that case, you can switch it off when you don’t use it for sometimes and give it a rest u til you turn it on. This would help it strengthen the power of the signal.
Positioning the modem in the wrong place
When we place the modem some where in a corner surrounded by walls or other furniture, it would interrupt the signal strength to different places when the distance increases. So place it in a center where every place get the signal equally and strongly. And do remember to keep it away from cordless phones or things like microwave and so which operate at the same 2.4 GHz frequency just as the router because the wires and waves can interfere with radio reception.
When we place the modem some where in a corner surrounded by walls or other furniture, it would interrupt the signal strength to different places when the distance increases. So place it in a center where every place get the signal equally and strongly. And do remember to keep it away from cordless phones or things like microwave and so which operate at the same 2.4 GHz frequency just as the router because the wires and waves can interfere with radio reception.
Position of WiFi antenna
If you have a double antenna router, then try placing the positions of the antenna as one vertically and the other one horizontally, which will pull signals from all the directions making the strength higher.
Security breach
We are all aware of the wifi hacking that can take place. Anyone can try attempting to hack you WiFi connect and use it, when they do so, your WiFi speed will eventually slow down. So you have to be careful of the security module that you choose and make it stronger that no one can hack it. Always better use the WPA/WPA2 module which is stronger than WEP. And after making the change better change the password into a stronger one and look out for the strength of your connection.
No. Of connection devices
We know that we can connect a lot of devices to a WiFi connection at a time, but when everyone starts using it all together, eventually the speed will reduce and show a poor signal. So you can go to the settings and lower down the number of devices that can stay connected to the device, which will help you solve the problem.
Less range
When your router gets older, the possibility of emitting strengthen signal might resuce eventually. So in that case, you have either replace the router or buy a new one.
Consuming lots of bandwidths
Check out your phone to see how much of the apps that are running in the background are consuming your internet. You might never use an app that's in your phone but it might auto update and do all what it can while its running in the background. So simply look out for it in the settings and turn off the auto update option.
So that’s it, here we have now checked on a few things that might be the cause for a poor signal in your WiFi connection and we have also at the same time provided the solutions and what you can do to strengthen the WiFi signal. You can easily follow up the steps and maintain a strong WiFi connection without any interruptions or lagging problems. A fast and awesome WiFi connection is just a few steps away. So I hope this guide will help you get what you are preferably looking for.